Call your elected officials!
Senators: Robert (Rob) Portman (202) 224-3353
Sherrod Brown (202) 224-2315
House of Representatives: Pat Tiberi (202) 225-5355
Note: A look at Mr. Tiberi’s district is to see gerrymandering at its finest. If the boundaries were drawn in a normal fashion I might be in Joyce Beatty’s district. I am sure she will not mind a call.
Joyce Beatty (202) 255-4324
This week I am going to request my elected officials look into getting rid of the Electoral College.

(Where is it? Can I attend? Do they have a football team?)
Some years ago when another candidate won the popular vote but was denied a victory by this body, I asked myself why, why is it still in existence when it seems its purpose in modern times is to deny the power of the individual vote and foster corruption? In the last election one candidate holds a victory margin, as of today, of 2,841,862 votes, the “popular vote”. These votes represent 2,841,862 people who are basically told “Sorry your vote does not count.” To my mind this fact constitutes voter fraud at its most egregious. How can we as a nation promote the values of democracy throughout the world when our own system is so completely flawed? The time for the Electoral College to be dismantled has come, perhaps too late, but it should still be done.

Governor of the State of Ohio
John Kasich (614) 466-3555
I include his number, because in the next few weeks bills will be crossing his desk that detrimentally effect the women in the State of Ohio.
I am going to give him a call too.